Friday, January 15, 2010

First Friday Favorite!

Okay, so this is a new thing I'm starting (I kind of borrowed it from another blogger, but they probably borrowed it from someone else). Every Friday I'm going to post one of my personal favorites. It could be a song, website, product, person (the next Friday favorite could be YOU! haha), etc. Anything goes.

This week's Friday Favorite is: The Tokibot Robot Clock found here!

They're pretty awesome. My sister has one and I kinda wish I had one of my own. The site where I found this has a great deal of robo-themed knickknacks and a lot of other awesome doodads that are worth a gander. My second favorite robo-themed thing from this site? Robo Key Covers!


  1. Yup, it's pretty cute. And nice idea... I may steal that too and post my own favorites. :)
