Saturday, February 6, 2010

First Spotlight of the Month

Stand up if you’re a fan of Rockband or even Guitar Hero.

Stand up if you have an iPhone or iPod Touch.

Well, my friends, the first Saturday Spotlight goes to the Rockband app for the iPhone/iPod Touch.

This is app is uh-maze-ing! Graphics are hella good; it looks just like the console version. I think the full version is worth every penny but if youre cheap or you just want a sampling, there is a trial app for the low, low price of free (its free for a reason: you could only play one song!

Like I said, it’s worth every penny because there’s so much to do. You could play four ways (see above) in Quickplay, Tour mode, or multi-player. Set-list is pretty good, and there’s an in-app Music store where you can buy more tracks to add to the set-list.

It’s just unbelievable. Check it out if you have the means. If you don’t, you’re welcome to use mine :D


  1. Thanks for letting me play with your iPod ;)

  2. Anytime. *WINK WINK* You should try the full version ;D
