This is the second installment of Midnight Showers are NOT Cool! except I didn’t take a shower at midnight. More like 10:30p.
Anyways, yeah did just take a shower pretty late. So late that I cant blow dry my hair without waking everyone up. I’m just going to blog as I wait for my hair to air-dry.
So, I finally decided to convert my trial version of Microsoft Office to the full version, which I just installed right now. Soundtrack the installment of MS Office: Weezer’s “Buddy Holly” (I love this song so much)
Today was a relatively productive day: I woke up, ate breakfast with the fam, went to church, practiced my saxophone, and went to Best Buy, which was actually a fun experience.
As usual, I played RockBand, some Wii game, and some Nintendo Ds game. I didn’t get to play with DJ hero because a couple of kids beat me to it. I got the MS Office, then went on to browse the movie titles.
I could not believe my eyes. They had the one movie I’ve been looking everywhere for, well everywhere except Best Buy apparently. Which movie? ACCEPTED! I’ve been to flea markets, movie rental joints, movie catalogs, everywhere! It was at best buy this whole time. AND IT WAS ONLY FIVE BUCKS. That was TEH WIN of the day.
On my way home, I stopped at a movie rental place to see if it was there, just for laughs (it wasn’t), and I ended up buying 27 Dresses for another five bucks. Not bad.
The remainder of the day like this: Got home. Ate leftover Chinese food. Watched 27 Dresses. Took a shower. Started Blogging.
Oh, and my fortune from the leftover fortune cookie is: Beauty in its various forms appeals to you. That’s not even a fortune :/
Well, my hair’s not dry yet, but I have run out of things to say. Except for I love Rivers Cuomo. And Weezer, of course!
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